Ariel means "lion of God" and is often associated with lions. When Ariel is near you, you may begin seeing references to or visions of lions around you. Ariel is also associated with the wind. Ariel works closely in conducting manifestation, spirit releasement and Divine magic. Ariel also oversees the sprites, the nature Angels associated with water. Ariel is involved with healing and protecting nature, including animals, fish and birds. If you find an injured bird or other wild animal that needs healing, call upon Ariel for help. Ariel also works closely with Raphael to heal animals in need. Archangel Ariel is known as the Angel of Healing and New Beginnings. Ariel shows you how to feel and see the energy of life. Makes you more sensitive for unseen, nature spirists, elves, laws of nature. He brings to you the message that you have to learn to let things go when they are not working good for you anymore. Destruction of things that are toxic and overwhelmig for you. End is a natural thing, every end is a new beginning. Nothing new cannot start without letting the old go. Its The Wind of Change.
He's the result when I took one quiz... Well, I kinda thought my guardian angel was Uriel... :D