WiLL yoU danCe my ReQUiem wiTh mE?
w!ll yOu CaSt my sPeLLs wiTh Me?
aRe YoU weAK enOUGH to cRy in LaugHTeR?
aRe You sTRoNg enouGH to sLash yoUR wRist aNd tasTe thE waRm LiQUid oF DeFeaT?
Thoughts.. Rants.. Raves..
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
I might not post or visit this site regularly.
I'm already done with my own site and have already posted my blogs there.
Please click on the banner above to visit my new site.
Thanks! :)
I'm already done with my own site and have already posted my blogs there.
Please click on the banner above to visit my new site.
Thanks! :)
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