got a new tattoo that would mark a new beginning... a new path. wherever that road will take me, i'll go. no holding back... no regrets.
can a thousand letters drown the hurt that comes with leaving? does not telling all synonymous to lying? i am losing time...
no more wishing for things to change. i'd just accept whatever it is that's been given to me...
wouldn't be so sure of the feelings governing our soul. it's just a moment of insanity. once reality sets in, we'd both be taking different directions...
thOUght ReaChing amBitioNs woULd bRing me joy.. so, whY doeS it hURt? jUst wheN i thoUght i haVe maNy fRiends, why aRe theRe faKeS? iF hoLdiNg thaT spaRkLe meaNt Losing a Lot, why Not Let go?
tRieD to See IF SoMeoNe wilL caTCh me. No ONe did. I haD hoPED he'LL be WaiTInG beLow, buT i feLt the haRd coNCRete. he'S jUSt meANT to maKe me FeeL stupiD. CRazy. DreaMY. Now That He's GoNe, I haVe to piCK uP the bRoken pieces of my Sanity.
uSed to ThiNk i'M SaNE... bUT FaLLiNg maDe Me cRazY.
uSeD to STOP and SmeLL the RoSes... nOW i cRUsh theM coZ they pRiCk
uSed to SiNG mY heaRT oUT, but Now I'm LooKiNg foR My ReqUiem
Thoughts.. Rants.. Raves..
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
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I'm already done with my own site and have already posted my blogs there.
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